NEWS 13.05.2024

Avast must pay fine for sale of user data

Avast transferred data relating to roughly 100 million users. Now the company will have to pay a fine in the EU.

Screen with Avast ad

NEWS 06.05.2024

Saudi Arabia: Woman given lengthy prison sentence for online posts

In Saudi Arabia a woman has been sentenced to eleven years in prison for demanding more rights for women online. Human rights advocates are sharply criticizing the ruling.

Saudi Arabian flag

NEWS 02.05.2024

Austria: Data Privacy Complaint Filed against ChatGPT for Giving False Information

The chatbot ChatGPT violates the GDPR by incorrectly reproducing personal data - that's according to a new complaint filed with the Austrian data protection authority.

OpenAI logo on a screen

NEWS 02.05.2024

Spain Reopens Investigation into Pegasus Surveillance

A Spanish court has resumed its investigation into spyware attacks on politicians. The attacks first came to light in 2022. Spanish and French authorities are working together on the inquiry.

Emmanuel Macron and Pedro Sánchez shaking hands

NEWS 26.04.2024

U.S. Health Care Company Confirms Theft of Patient Data

In February a cyberattack caused disruptions at pharmacies across the United States. Patient data were also stolen, the health care company targeted in the attack has now announced.

UnitedHealthcare logo

NEWS 25.04.2024

Amnesty Annual Report: Human Rights Increasingly Under Pressure Worldwide

Amnesty International denounces increasing violations of human rights worldwide. The international community must take action immediately.

Amnesty sign

NEWS 25.04.2024

Poland: Nearly 600 Spied on with Pegasus

Several hundred people in Poland were allegedly targeted with Pegasus. A parliamentary commission is investigating the use of the spyware by the previous government.

Justice Minister Bodnar speaking to reporters

NEWS 25.04.2024

Survey: Foreign Correspondents in China Obstructed, Surveilled, and Harassed

Since the pandemic China has expanded its use of repressive measures against foreign journalists. Members of the press speak of surveillance, visa problems, and abuse. Reporting on the Chinese people is now hardly possible.

Police with drones

NEWS 18.04.2024

Iranian Authorities Plan to Crack Down on Veiling Offenses

The authorities in Iran have announced plans to move more aggressively against violations of the country's veiling laws. Pictures posted online can also lead to prosecution.

A street in Tehran

NEWS 17.04.2024

British Government to Invest Millions in Facial Recognition

Police in Britain are set to increase their use of facial recognition technology. The government plans to spend more than 50 million pounds on the technology over the next four years - including on the purchase of mobile facial recognition units.

Facial recognition van in England